need some work hard to make it up / 0 comments (+)
semester ini bener2 banyak yang jatuh. harusnya aku capable dalam suatu mata kuliah dan gara2 nggak fokus, nilaiku cuma dapet standar. nggak memuaskan T.T

aku tau harusnya aku fokus satu kegiatan, aku tipe orang yang nggak bisa split the mind into two or more activities dan aku tetep nekat berorganisasi?
wrong decision T.T
harusnya aku nggak ambil posisi penting di kepanitiaan. stay in line, no need to rush. semester ini harus fokus. ambil bagian di organisasi dengan proporsi yang lebih kecil. kuharap aku dapat lulus tepat waktu atau mungkin lebih cepat. Amin


Thank you for dropping by.These pictures are not taken by me. If they are, my name will be posted on them. I don't give credits to anyone because nobody knows who the real owner of each picture. If the owner wants credits, they should put their URL on their picture.All Rights Reserved April 2011 © Pipie Ladybug

